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X 1,2 = 3±√(9+16) / 2 = 3±5 / 2 = 4,-1. Since the logarithm is not defined for negative numbers, the answer is: x = 4. Log 3 (x+2) - log 3 (x) = 2. Solution: Using the quotient rule: log 3 ((x+2) / x) = 2. Changing the logarithm form according to the logarithm definition: (x+2)/x = 3 2.

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A simple, safe single expression evaluator library.

Project description

A quick single file library for easily adding evaluatable expressions intopython projects. Say you want to allow a user to set an alarm volume, whichcould depend on the time of day, alarm level, how many previous alarms had goneoff, and if there is music playing at the time.

Or if you want to allow simple formulae in a web application, but don't want togive full eval() access, or don't want to run in javascript on the client side.

It's deliberately very simple, pull it in from PyPI (pip or easy_install), oreven just a single file you can dump into a project.

Internally, it's using the amazing python ast Music tag editor pro 3 7 8. module to parse theexpression, which allows very fine control of what is and isn't allowed. Itshould be completely safe in terms of what operations can be performed by theexpression.

The only issue I know to be aware of is that you can create an expression whichtakes a long time to evaluate, or which evaluating requires an awful lot ofmemory, which leaves the potential for DOS attacks. There is basic protectionagainst this, and you can lock it down further if you desire. (see theOperators section below)

Instastack 3 0 8 – instagram mac desktop client. You should be aware of this when deploying in a public setting.

The defaults are pretty locked down and basic, and it's very easy to addwhatever extra specific functionality you need (your own functions,variable/name lookup, etc).

Basic Usage To get very simple evaluating:

returns 42.

Expressions can be as complex and convoluted as you want:

returns 535.714285714.

You can add your own functions in as well.

returns 121.

For more details of working with functions, read further down.


all further examples use >>> to designate python code, as if you are usingthe python interactive prompt.


You can add operators yourself, using the operators argument, but these arethe defaults:

+add two things. x + y1 + 1 -> 2
-subtract two things x - y100 - 1 -> 99
/divide one thing by anotherx / y100/10 -> 10
*multiple one thing by anotherx * y10 * 10 -> 100
**‘to the power of' x**y2 ** 10 -> 1024
%modulus. (remainder) x % y15 % 4 -> 3
equals x y15 4 -> False
<Less than. x < y1 < 4 -> True
>Greater than. x > y1 > 4 -> False
<=Less than or Equal to. x <= y1 < 4 -> True
>=Greater or Equal to x >= 211 >= 4 -> False
inis something contained withinsomething else.'spam' in 'my breakfast'-> False

The ^ operator is notably missing - not because it's hard, but because itis often mistaken for a exponent operator, not the bitwise operation that it isin python. It's trivial to add back in again if you wish (using the classbased evaluator explained below):

Limited Power

Also note, the ** operator has been locked down by default to have amaximum input value of 4000000, which makes it somewhat harder to makeexpressions which go on for ever. You can change this limit by changing thesimpleeval.POWER_MAX module level value to whatever is an appropriate valuefor you (and the hardware that you're running on) or if you want to completelyremove all limitations, you can set the s.operators[ast.Pow] = operator.powor make your own function.


On my computer, 9**9**5 evaluates almost instantly, but 9**9**6 takesover 30 seconds. Since 9**7 is 4782969, and so over the POWER_MAXlimit, it throws a NumberTooHigh exception for you. (Otherwise it would goon for hours, or until the computer runs out of memory)

Strings (and other Iterables) Safety

There are also limits on string length (100000 characters,MAX_STRING_LENGTH). This can be changed if you wish.

Related to this, if you try to create a silly long string/bytes/list, by doing'i want to break free'.split() * 9999999999 for instance, it will block you.

If Expressions

Meta 1 9 5 Equals Ounces

You can use python style if x then y else z type expressions:

which, of course, can be nested:


You can define functions which you'd like the expresssions to have access to:

You can define 'real' functions to pass in rather than lambdas, of course too,and even re-name them so that expressions can be shorter

If you don't provide your own functions dict, then the the following defaultsare provided in the DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS dict:

randint(x)Return a random int below x
rand()Return a random float between 0 and 1
int(x)Convert x to an int.
float(x)Convert x to a float.
str(x)Convert x to a str (unicode in py2)

If you want to provide a list of functions, but want to keep these as well,then you can do a normal python .copy() & .update:


Sometimes it's useful to have variables available, which in python terminologyare called ‘names'.

You can also hand the handling of names over to a function, if you prefer: The clock 4 0 5.

That was a bit of a silly example, but you could use this for pulling valuesfrom a database or file, say, or doing some kind of caching system.

The two default names that are provided are True and False. So if you want to provide your own names, but want True and False to keep working, either provide them yourself, or .copy() and .update the DEFAULT_NAMES. (See functions example above).

Creating an Evaluator Class

Rather than creating a new evaluator each time, if you are doing a lot ofevaluations, you can create a SimpleEval object, and pass it expressions eachtime (which should be a bit quicker, and certainly more convenient for some usecases):

You can assign / edit the various options of the SimpleEval object if youwant to. Either assign them during creation (like the simple_evalfunction)

or edit them after creation:

this actually means you can modify names (or functions) with functions, if youreally feel so inclined:

Say. This would allow a certain level of ‘scriptyness' if you had theseevaluations happening as callbacks in a program. Although you really arereaching the end of what this library is intended for at this stage.

Compound Types

Compound types (dict, tuple, list, set) in general just work ifyou pass them in as named objects. If you want to allow creation of these, theEvalWithCompoundTypes Noiseless pro 1 0 2 graphics photography plugins. class works. Just replace any use of SimpleEval withthat.

Meta 1 9 5 Equals Inches

The EvalWithCompoundTypes class also contains support for simple [x + 1 for x in [1,2,3]]. There's a safety MAX_COMPREHENSION_LENGTH to controlhow many items it'll allow before bailing too. This also takes into account nestedcomprehensions.

Since the primary intention of this library is short expressions - an extra ‘sweetener' isenabled by default. You can access a dict (or similar's) keys using the .attr syntax:

for instance. You can turn this off either by setting the module global ATTR_INDEX_FALLBACKto False, or on the SimpleEval instance itself. e.g. evaller.ATTR_INDEX_FALLBACK=False.


The SimpleEval class is pretty easy to extend. For instance, to create aversion that disallows method invocation on objects:

and then use EvalNoMethods instead of the SimpleEval class.

Meta 1 9 5 Equals Many


The library supports both python 2 and 3.

Object attributes that start with _ or func_ are disallowed by default.If you really need that (BE CAREFUL!), then modify the module globalsimpleeval.DISALLOW_PREFIXES.

A few builtin functions are listed in simpleeval.DISALLOW_FUNCTIONS. type, open, etc.If you need to give access to this kind of functionality to your expressions, then be verycareful. You'd be better wrapping the functions in your own safe wrappers.

The initial idea came from J.F. Sebastian on Stack Overflow( ) with modifications and many improvements,see the head of the main file for contributors list.

Please read the file for other potential gotchas ordetails. I'm very happy to accept pull requests, suggestions, or other issues.Enjoy!


Run tests:

Meta 1 9 5 Equals Grams

Or to set the tests running on every file change:

$ make autotest

(requires entr)


I've done the best I can with this library - but there's no warrenty, no guarentee, nada. A lot ofvery clever people think the whole idea of trying to sandbox CPython is impossible. Read the codeyourself, and use it at your own risk.

Release historyRelease notifications | RSS feed












On my computer, 9**9**5 evaluates almost instantly, but 9**9**6 takesover 30 seconds. Since 9**7 is 4782969, and so over the POWER_MAXlimit, it throws a NumberTooHigh exception for you. (Otherwise it would goon for hours, or until the computer runs out of memory)

Strings (and other Iterables) Safety

There are also limits on string length (100000 characters,MAX_STRING_LENGTH). This can be changed if you wish.

Related to this, if you try to create a silly long string/bytes/list, by doing'i want to break free'.split() * 9999999999 for instance, it will block you.

If Expressions

Meta 1 9 5 Equals Ounces

You can use python style if x then y else z type expressions:

which, of course, can be nested:


You can define functions which you'd like the expresssions to have access to:

You can define 'real' functions to pass in rather than lambdas, of course too,and even re-name them so that expressions can be shorter

If you don't provide your own functions dict, then the the following defaultsare provided in the DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS dict:

randint(x)Return a random int below x
rand()Return a random float between 0 and 1
int(x)Convert x to an int.
float(x)Convert x to a float.
str(x)Convert x to a str (unicode in py2)

If you want to provide a list of functions, but want to keep these as well,then you can do a normal python .copy() & .update:


Sometimes it's useful to have variables available, which in python terminologyare called ‘names'.

You can also hand the handling of names over to a function, if you prefer: The clock 4 0 5.

That was a bit of a silly example, but you could use this for pulling valuesfrom a database or file, say, or doing some kind of caching system.

The two default names that are provided are True and False. So if you want to provide your own names, but want True and False to keep working, either provide them yourself, or .copy() and .update the DEFAULT_NAMES. (See functions example above).

Creating an Evaluator Class

Rather than creating a new evaluator each time, if you are doing a lot ofevaluations, you can create a SimpleEval object, and pass it expressions eachtime (which should be a bit quicker, and certainly more convenient for some usecases):

You can assign / edit the various options of the SimpleEval object if youwant to. Either assign them during creation (like the simple_evalfunction)

or edit them after creation:

this actually means you can modify names (or functions) with functions, if youreally feel so inclined:

Say. This would allow a certain level of ‘scriptyness' if you had theseevaluations happening as callbacks in a program. Although you really arereaching the end of what this library is intended for at this stage.

Compound Types

Compound types (dict, tuple, list, set) in general just work ifyou pass them in as named objects. If you want to allow creation of these, theEvalWithCompoundTypes Noiseless pro 1 0 2 graphics photography plugins. class works. Just replace any use of SimpleEval withthat.

Meta 1 9 5 Equals Inches

The EvalWithCompoundTypes class also contains support for simple [x + 1 for x in [1,2,3]]. There's a safety MAX_COMPREHENSION_LENGTH to controlhow many items it'll allow before bailing too. This also takes into account nestedcomprehensions.

Since the primary intention of this library is short expressions - an extra ‘sweetener' isenabled by default. You can access a dict (or similar's) keys using the .attr syntax:

for instance. You can turn this off either by setting the module global ATTR_INDEX_FALLBACKto False, or on the SimpleEval instance itself. e.g. evaller.ATTR_INDEX_FALLBACK=False.


The SimpleEval class is pretty easy to extend. For instance, to create aversion that disallows method invocation on objects:

and then use EvalNoMethods instead of the SimpleEval class.

Meta 1 9 5 Equals Many


The library supports both python 2 and 3.

Object attributes that start with _ or func_ are disallowed by default.If you really need that (BE CAREFUL!), then modify the module globalsimpleeval.DISALLOW_PREFIXES.

A few builtin functions are listed in simpleeval.DISALLOW_FUNCTIONS. type, open, etc.If you need to give access to this kind of functionality to your expressions, then be verycareful. You'd be better wrapping the functions in your own safe wrappers.

The initial idea came from J.F. Sebastian on Stack Overflow( ) with modifications and many improvements,see the head of the main file for contributors list.

Please read the file for other potential gotchas ordetails. I'm very happy to accept pull requests, suggestions, or other issues.Enjoy!


Run tests:

Meta 1 9 5 Equals Grams

Or to set the tests running on every file change:

$ make autotest

(requires entr)


I've done the best I can with this library - but there's no warrenty, no guarentee, nada. A lot ofvery clever people think the whole idea of trying to sandbox CPython is impossible. Read the codeyourself, and use it at your own risk.

Release historyRelease notifications | RSS feed
















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The ifixit installation manual shows two screws holding the iphone 4S battery: one, a 1.7 mm phillips screw, the other, a 1.5 mm phillips screw.

Nobody in town has phillips screwdriver bits to fit or precision driver kits, for that matter. Ifixit's 'liberation kit' includes a pentalobe driver (which I now have) and another driver, a #00 Phillips head which is not otherwise specified as to bit size, but I wonder if it is supposed to fit both the 1.7 mm and 1.5 mm screws? What is the true bit specification for that seemingly 'dual purpose' screwdriver?

I see the following declaration for the ifixdit #00 driver.

'Also indispensable for bridging the divide between squabbling materials, the screwdriver helps keep a healthy perspective on petty conflicts. Screw the differences today with our Phillips #00 screwdriver.'

My impression is that the ifixit Phillips #00 screwdriver is meant to be used to replace the pentalobe screws with appropriate Phillips head screws.that it has nothing to do with the two different Phillips head screws that secure the battery inside the case.

Gamecube rom pack torrent. Or, does the ifixit declaration mean an ifixit #00 phillips screwdriver will 'bridge the divide' between 1.7 mm and an 1.5 mm screws and not strip their tiny little heads?

Is this a good question?


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